Road Development Plan in India | [2021 update ] | Transportation |

The Road Road Development Planning !

             Transportation contributes to the economic, industrial, social and cultural development of any country. 

          - Planning since 1943 📚 

 Road Image 

    ➤  Nagpur Road Conference and Plan : 
  1. The Government of India at Nagpur in 1943 a conference of the Chief Engineering of all the states and province was convened, at initiative of the Indian Roads Congress to finalise the first road development plan for the country as a whole. 
  2. This is landmark in the history of road development in India. 
  3. Thus the 'First 20-year Road Development Plan' in India was finalised for the period 1943-63 at the Nagpur Road Conference.
  4. The total target road length aimed at the end of this plan period was 16km per 100 sqkm area of the country.
  • Central Road Research Institute :
  1. In year 1950, the Central road Research Institute (CRRI) Was started.
  2. This Institute is mainly engaged in carrying out applied research in various aspects of highway engineering and offers technical advice to state governments and the industries on various problem concerning roads. 
  • National Highway Act :
                 In 1956 the 'National Highway Act' was passed in the country.

         Some main Features:
  1. to enter into any land for carrying out surveys.
  2. to declare certain selected highways as 'National Highways', responsibility of development and maintenance of which to be with the central government.
  3. to acquire land and take possession for the development of the national highway.
 The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) started operating in February 1995

➤ Second Twenty Year Development Plan, 1961-81
  1. The second 20-year road development plan initiated by the IRC in 1661-81 and was finalised in 1959 at meeting in Mumbai of the Chief Engineers. 
  2. The target road length at the end of second 20 year road development plan was almost double than of the Nagpur road target 
  3. Total road length of 10,57,330 km or 32 km per 100 sq. km area. 
  • Highway Research Board :
             HRB was set up in 1973 with a view to given proper direction and guidance to road research activities in India. 
             The object of IRC highway Research Board are to:
  1. Collect and disseminate results of research.
  2. co-ordinate and conduct correlation services.
  3. Channelize consultative services.
  4. Ascertain the nature and extent of research required.
  • National Transport Policy Committee:
  1.  Indian Government appointed (NTPC) in the year 1978.
  2.  It is prepare a comprehensive national transport policy for the country for the next decade of so, keeping in view the objectives and priorities set out in the five-year plans. 
  ➤ Third 20-Year Road Development Plan, 1981-2001
  1. Next 20-year plan prepared by the Roads Wing of the Ministry of Transport in 1981-2001, with the active co-operation from a number of organisations and experts in the field of highways engineering and transportation.
  2. Document released at  Lucknow in February 1985.
  3. Total road length 15,02,700 km in the year 1981 to 27,02,000 km by the year 2001.
  4. This will result in an increase in road density from 46 km per 100 sq. km in the year 1981 to 82 km per 100 sq. km by the year 2001.
Road Development in India during Twenty Project :
  •  National Highways Development Projects.
  1. The total length of various categories of roads in the country as per the target of the third 20-year road development plan 1981-2001 was 27,00,000 km. 
  2. Higher road length of 31,76,000 km was achieved by the year 2000 itself. 
  3. However the length of the national highways achieved was only 57,700 km as against the target of 66,000 km and the length of State Highways achieved was only 1,24,300 km as against the target of 1,45,000 km.
  4. Phase-I of NHDP is called the 'Golden Quadrilateral' of total length 5846 km connecting the four major metropolitan cities. (i) Delhi-Mumbai, (ii) Mumbai-Chennai (iii) Chennai-Kolkata and   (iv) Kolkata-Delhi.
  5. Phase-II of NHDP consists of (a) North-South corridor connect Srinagar to Kanyakumari and        (b) East-West corridor connecting Silchar to Ponbandar, of total length 7,300 km. 
  • Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana [PMDSY]
  1. PMDSY is a programme accelerated village road development.
  2. It is launched by the central government in December 2000 to provide village connectivity with all-weather road. 
  3. The objective is to provide connectivity to all unconnected habitations having population of 500 and above with all-weather roads. 
  4. And in case of hills, tribal and desert area of the country above population limit is ralaxed. 
  • Road Development Plan : Vision 2021 : 
  1. RDPV 2021 was prepared by the Indian roads Congress at the initiative of the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. 
  2. This vision document has considered has considered the need for overall development of road system in the country.
  3. Considering the importance of this subject, a rural road development plan document was prepared.
  • Rural Road Development Plan Vision 2025:
  1. It has been prepared for the 20-year period 2005-2025 at the initiative of the Ministry of Rural Development, government of India. 
  2. District-wise rural road development plans have been prepared.
  3. Lower population limits were fixed for under developed regions including hills, deserts and tribal areas. 
